Keurig Dr. Pepper

Responsive Web

Senior experience lead driving all things digital from product ideation, business requirements, research, design delivery and go to market completion. Responsible for working closely with key stakeholders, engineering and product management to identify opportunities and creating new products.


At Keurig, user centric design is the core of our UX approach. We not only do competitive analysis of the market but dive deep into data analytics using tools such as Google Analytics, Fullstory and many others. This provides great insight from both a qualitative and quantitative perspective. Furthermore, we can identify friction areas and pain points our users are experiencing during different journey flows.

Auto-Delivery – Subscription

Auto-Delivery is Keurig’s robust subscription program. One of the 2018 objectives was to grow this part of the business by increasing sign-ups while also reducing cancellations.

My responsibility was to look into this program holistically, understand how we can improve this program and change it for the better. This involved utilizing the full spectrum of business and design strategy, defining clear goals, activities, resources, risk and KPI’s.

After months of strategizing, cross-functional communication between departments, white-boarding, interviewing, wire-framing, prototyping and deployment we successful improved this program 300x. Overall, we increased net new signups, average order value, reduced cancellation and improved the experience, usability and efficiency for the program.

The first image to the right is the old UI for the program and below are the improvements I made.

Custom Variety Pack

Keurig has something to offer that no other coffee or CPG company can, largest coffee variety. With over 75+ brands and 300+ varieties of beverages, I had the idea that we could take advantage of this and provide a great experience and solution for our customers. Other large companies like Amazon, Target, Walmart all offer large box count sizes of k-cups, however Keurig has much smaller sizes that allow’s users the try different types of coffee.

We discovered through research and data that many user’s don’t feel comfortable buying large boxes of coffee without knowing if they like it or not. So we designed and built a solution that allowed them to do so, the Custom Variety Pack. This was not only great for the consumer, but great for our business as the ASP value was over 50% more than the highest selling 24ct box. After a very soft launch, the Custom Variety Pack increased 6 count box sales by 33% incrementally and improved our ASP.


With many re-designs on, cart and checkout was by far our biggest challenge. It’s know in the E-commerce world that without an effective and efficient cart and checkout process your conversion will fall apart.

We noticed after interviewing and watching user’s go through our cart and checkout it was rather confusing and cumbersome to complete. We thought it was best to not only change the design but also the functionality. Working closely with the product team we were able to agree on an approach that would increase funnel conversion and improve the Auto-Delivery signup.

One major pain point in the cart was users who wanted to choose Auto-Delivery had to at the entire order level. Most users wanted some items to be Auto-Delivery and one time purchases. So we changed the design and functionality so users could choose Auto-Delivery at the item level, allowing flexibility and choice.

After re-design our checkout completion funnel rose to 74% which is huge in E-commerce. This also improved and increased Auto-Delivery sign ups.