About Me


Building remarkable experiences takes a lot heart, determination and well, great design. I’m here to help amplify your teams capabilities and expand your breadth in the market. I have a knack to solve critical problems that create amazing digital experience to keep you ahead of the road to come.


I believe closing the gap between human centered design and technology is vital to create a friendly and enjoyable user experience.


My approach is based of an agile process of research, data analytics, experience mapping, wire-framing, prototyping and visual design. Starting with the foundation of research, I determine your business/user’s needs and goals and understand the product/service from A to Z. I then dive deep into data analytics from both a qualitative and quantitative approach that helps determine pain points and friction areas that your users are experiencing. Experience mapping is great for flowing out all customer journey’s within your site or application to make sure we dont miss any nuance or uncommon paths.  From here, we start the user experience process where wire framing and prototyping help determine the layout and navigation of each user type. Once all these stages are complete, its time for final visual design where color and features bring the idea to life! From here, it’s time to pass off to development teams where we work in tandem to make sure our hard work comes to fruition.